Local anti-poverty strategies

Resolve Poverty supports organisations to develop anti-poverty strategies building on our 2023 report, Local anti-poverty strategies: good practice and effective approaches.

The report sets out new thinking on anti-poverty strategy development for local authorities, regional public bodies such as combined authorities and other organisations wanting to develop a plan for tackling poverty. It sets out a framework for effective anti-poverty strategy development with 12 clear steps based on good practice from around the UK.

We have used this report to support anti-poverty strategy development in Bolton. You can read more about what we did and testimonial from Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council here. From defining poverty and its drivers through to ensuring effective accountability and monitoring processes are in place, we can work with you to put this framework into practice and ensure the strategy leads to meaningful impact.

By working with us, you will get:

To find out more about working with us, please contact Thomas Waring at thomas@resolvepoverty.org.

Our work has also been used by councils from Sefton to Stockton to inform their approaches to anti-poverty strategy development. We used our anti-poverty strategy framework to inform work for NHS Greater Manchester on how the organisation can ensure tackling poverty is a strategic priority, demonstrating the relevance of our work to other types of organisations beyond local authorities. You can read more about our work for NHS Greater Manchester here.