
Help ensure everyone can access the things they need for a healthy, fulfilling life 

More than 1 in 5 people in the UK currently live in poverty. But it doesn’t have to be this way – poverty is not inevitable. With your help, we can change things. 

When you are cold, sick, in debt and don’t have money, life becomes very tough. Money Matters helped a lot; having someone to talk to really helped and the financial help reduced stress, which improved my mental health.

We’re making a difference 

Resolve Poverty exists because of the support of likeminded individuals and organisations across the country who share our desire to see an end to poverty. We provide leading guidance and support to local and regional stakeholders to develop powerful strategic, policy and practical responses to poverty. 

  • £350,000 gained in benefits by struggling families, who didn’t know that support was available to them 
  • 300+ people across sectors trained by our leading experts in how to best prevent and reduce poverty 
  • 2.6k+ subscribers to our fortnightly newsletter for professionals and volunteers actively engaged in tackling poverty. 

With your help we can achieve sustainable solutions to poverty and call for real policy change that protects and supports people on low incomes.