Bespoke Training

As well as our range of open training courses, we can also work with your organisation to design a bespoke training programme to meet your needs.

We offer leading expertise on the best ways of understanding and tackling poverty, valuing the voices of people experiencing poverty, and supporting those in poverty. Through our training offer we can share this expertise with your organisation.

We have experience delivering training to a variety of organisations, and our bespoke training offer is valuable for organisations across public, private and voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sectors.

NHS Case study

We recently delivered a piece of bespoke training to NHS Greater Manchester. Find out what the process was like, from first enquiry to delivery.

What were they looking for?

GM NHS approached us to deliver poverty awareness training for staff in a variety of roles across the region.

What did we create?

We designed a training programme for staff in both frontline and strategic roles. It offered practical advice on the best ways to support people in poverty, and how we can change organisational practices to tackle poverty in a strategic way. As with all our programmes, the training content was tailored to the context of where the organisation works and the people they work with.

What was the result?

We delivered both in person and online training, with practical resources and guidance provided to all attendees to ensure they could take the learning from the programme into their daily work. Our training programmes are flexible, and this programme was updated and improved throughout to ensure it was always working best for the attendees.